Dear readers

The website is a forum for me, Björgólfur Thor Björgólfsson, to pass on to the people of Iceland information about my business interests now and in years past, as well as various topics related to me. The website also gives me a welcome opportunity to be in touch with those who want and I have received numerous messages of different kinds since the website was first launched. I am grateful for the positive response and hope that the website will continue to peak people‘s interest, even though I only publish new material as needed, but not regularly.

The website was opened in August 2010 and its main purpose was to pass on to the people of Iceland information about my business interests in Iceland and involvement in Icelandic commercial life in the years 2002-2009. All that information is still available here, so the website will serve as a database for those who want to access confirmed information about Landsbankinn, Actavis or Straumur, to name but a few examples

The website was opened shortly after I reached an agreement will all my creditors. The full and final settlement of all debt was announced in August 2014 and from that day forward I have focused on building up my business anew. I still have some business interests in Iceland, though significantly less than before. Iceland will always be my homeland, that‘s where my relatives and friends are and my second home.

Björgólfur Thor Björgólfsson